Full Body Resistance Band Workouts
Garth Stivey
Full Body Resistance Band Workouts
With a high-quality set of GND Fitness resistance bands, you’ve got everything you need for a complete full-body workout. In this article, we lay out an effective full-body workout for beginners that can be completed in about 30 minutes.
Begin your workout with a cardio warm-up made up of 60 seconds of skipping, high knees and butt kicks. Then perform a dynamic stretching warm-up where you move your limbs through their full range of motion. These can include moves like bodyweight squats, leg swings and arm circles.
The Workout Protocol
This full-body resistance band workout will be done as a circuit. Rather than doing the standard 3-4 sets of each exercise and then moving to the next exercise, you will move directly from one exercise to the next, doing each move for 30 seconds. Once you have completed every exercise you will then rest for 60 seconds. Your workout will consist of performing 3 rounds of the circuit.
Choose a resistance band level that will make it challenging for the last 15 seconds of your 30-second set on each exercise.
The Exercises
Front Squats (Quads, Glutes)
Loop a resistance band over the front of your shoulders and then under both feet, with your feet shoulder-width apart. Hold the resistance band in place with your hands. Then engage your glutes and stand up, repeating this motion. If it feels too easy, use a heavier resistance band.
Band Lunges (Glutes, Hamstrings)
Loop a band over an upright and grab the ends of it standing about 18 inches from the anchor point and facing it. Maintaining an upright spine, lower down into a parallel squat. Push through your heels to rise back to the start position.
Seated Row (Lats, Biceps)
Sit with your legs straight out in front of you and the band pulled tight around your feet. Now cross, wrap and grip the ends of the band. Pull the band back with bent raised elbows and straight back.
Supine Crunch (Abs)
Wrap the band around a stable point in front of you and grip the ends of it. Hold the band taut while lifting your upper back and head, but without using the band to pull yourself up. Keep your arms still and strong.
Chest Press (Pectorals)
Attach a resistance band to the top of a secure door using the anchor that comes with your resistance band set. Stand about two feet in front of the door, facing away from it. Grab the band handles and position your hands at shoulder level with your elbows at right angles and in line with your shoulders.
From this starting position, press your arms forward and down to meet at mid-chest level. Reverse and repeat.
Alternate Shoulder Press (Deltoids)
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and a resistance band looped under your mid feet. Hold the ends of the band at arm’s length by your sides with your palms facing forward. From this starting position, curl your left arm up to shoulder level. Forcefully contract your bicep in the top position. Lower and repeat with the other arm.
Upright Row (Trapezius)
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your resistance band under your mid feet. Hold the band in front of your body at full arm extension with your palms facing toward your body.
From this starting position, pull your arms directly up toward your chin. Lower and repeat.
Plie Lateral Shuffle (Hip Flexors)
Place a loop band around your ankles. With your feet parallel and knees bent, step sideways. Open and close your steps while keeping the band taut. Complete 10 steps to the right and then do the same to the left.
Workout Notes
This beginner bodyweight resistance band routine should be done twice per week for six weeks. After that, you can either add in a third weekly session or advance to a more demanding intermediate-level routine where you split your body into two parts and do two workouts for each part weekly. Whatever option you select, be sure to progressively increase the band resistance level as you get stronger.